Accueil Bowling Conseils QUIZ. What Is Your Mattress IQ?

QUIZ. What Is Your Mattress IQ?

Mattress Resources

You think you are an expert on mattresses? Sleep Junkie takes sleep seriously. Choosing the right mattress is a big part of a great night’s sleep. Knowing your options is a key part of selecting a quality bed. You will be able to compare mattresses and negotiate better with salespeople if you are more familiar with industry terms, pros and cons, and other common terminology. This quiz will help you find out how much you know about mattresses. Take the quiz to see your score!

Sleep Junkies MattressIQ Quiz

Click here to take the Mattress IQ quiz. Then, continue reading for detailed information about mattresses and what you need to know before purchasing a new mattress. You can review the answers and get detailed explanations for each question after you have completed the quiz. Good luck!

How Do You Rank In The Mattress IQ Ranking?

  1. You are the Albert Einstein of mattresses!
  2. Savvy Shopper You are more knowledgeable than the average consumer. Good job!
  3. Average Joe You are an average Joe.
  4. Basics of bedmaking, but you still need to learn more!
  5. Mattress Newbie You have limited knowledge about mattresses. To make shopping easier, learn more.

Get Better Knowledge About Your Mattress

You are likely to be a Mattress Genius if you have earned this rank. This means that you will probably know everything and be able to shop for a mattress with ease. If you aren’t as fortunate with your score, it may be worth spending more time researching. A well-informed consumer will make shopping easier and help you choose a better mattress (and a better deal). This is our list with the top things you should know before you shop. To help you get started, we have included links to other guides and resources.

Learn More About Mattress Types

There are four main types of beds that you’ll see: innersprings (memory foam), latex (latex), and water. The most common type of mattress is the spring mattress. Memory foam is also increasingly being sold in local stores and showrooms. Although waterbeds and latex mattresses are less common, they can still be purchased online.

If you’re not satisfied with the mattress you currently have, you should consider different options when shopping for a new mattress. Every type of mattress has its pros and cons. Some excel at motion isolation while others are stronger, more durable, offer pain relief, and have an affordable advantage. has provided a comparison of the main mattress types:

Take A Look At Your Sleeping Style.

The best mattress is the one that you choose. There is no best mattress. Before you choose a mattress, consider your preferences, body size, and partner’s preferences. It is important to take the time to think about how you will use your mattress and what you desire in your next bed. This will help you narrow down your search. Moreover, articulating your needs can help salespeople guide you to the best matches.

  • What position are you most comfortable sleeping in? Side sleepers prefer firmer beds that align with their backs, while side sleepers require a bed that is flexible enough to accommodate their curves.
  • Are you average-sized? SleepLikeTheDead’s surveys show that people weighing between 200 and 113 kg prefer mattresses more than 25 cm thick. People weighing between 250 and 136 kg prefer beds 30 cm thicker, while people weighing between 136 and 136 kg prefer beds greater than 30 cm. People weighing over 136kg prefer beds 36 cm thick. Memory foam and latex foam are better suited for heavy people than any other types of mattress.
  • Are there any health concerns that you should be aware of? You may need support for back pain; upper body elevation might help with sleep apnea; pressure relief and mobility are important with arthritis. These and other issues can be addressed by reading reviews and researching the best mattress options.
  • Are you more comfortable sleeping on a firmer surface than softer? Consider the beds you have had the best rest and how it affects your feelings about your current bed.
  • What will you do with the bed? Is it going to be your regular mattress or will you use it as a guest or occasional sleep place? Are you more likely to sleep with a partner or alone? What size bed will you need?
  • Are there any other issues or preferences you are concerned about? You should note whether your partner’s movements can disrupt your sleep or cause you to wake up.

Expand Your Options.

Shop for a bed that is right for you. Take your time and look at different brands and types. This product will be your bed for 1/3 of every day for many years. You can also compare local options with online sellers. Online retailers will offer a greater selection, possibly with better pricing and return policies.

This is especially true if you’re looking for specialty mattresses like waterbeds, natural latex, memory foam or natural latex. You can also find owner reviews on websites of retailers, consumer review sites, forums, and other websites. Begin by looking at many mattresses. Then, narrow down your choices based on your preferences, quality, and value.

Learn The Name/Price Game.

It can be difficult to find the right mattress for you. Some retailers may make it more difficult to compare prices. Many major brands will offer exclusive lines to retailers that may include slight variations, such as slightly different fabric covers or layers. Exclusive lines can be a benefit to retailers as they don’t have to compete with other shops and enjoy higher profit margins. Others will increase pricing to make it seem like a great deal and create urgency.

Ask The Right Questions

What you feel comfortable with and under the covers should be your main focus. The retailer should be able tell you what’s inside the bed. This information will help you compare options and determine which one is best. Every mattress type has its own specifications and quality indicators.

You will need to consider the coil type and count as well as the thickness and type of the padding layers when you are looking at innerspring beds. You will need to consider the density of the memory and core foam layers as well as the type and thickness of the padding layers. You will need to know the composition, manufacturing process, layer thickness, cover material, as well as whether any filler layers are present for latex beds. Waterbeds should be assessed for vinyl thickness, corner/seam durability and layers of internal fiber. For all types of mattress, it is important to ask about warranties terms and return policies.

Be Aware That Brands Are Not Everything

A brand’s popularity doesn’t necessarily make it the best mattress, or offer the best deal. Many larger companies, like Simmons, Sealy, or Serta, have lower satisfaction rates than their peers.

As Consumer Reports’ mattress guides have repeatedly explained, expensive mattresses do not guarantee better sleeping. When shopping for a mattress, it is important to consider your personal preferences as well as the components of the bed.